I am currently a freshman in Wake Forest University planning to major in Computer Science and minor in Japanese. I was born in Shanghai and stayed there until 7th grade. After that, I went to a Canadian International School in Hong Kong. However, from 9th grade, I moved back to Shanghai again until going the United States for college.

Night view of Shanghai
Night view of Hong Kong

In my spare time, I enjoy reading books, listening to music, and watching history documentaries. The book I am recently reading is called “The Moon and Six Pence” by M.Somerset Maugham. It portrays a stockbroker’s life of abandoning his wife and children to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. It is said that this story was created based on the life of the famous painter Paul Gauguin. The discussion of the conflict between self-realization and responsibility attracts me and I would like to recommend this book to my visitors.

And the history documentary I am currently working on is “The Crusades” made by BBC and published in 2018. It examined the history of several Crusades in details. There are altogether three episodes each lasts about 50 minutes. If you are interested in this series, the section below contains the full series linked from YouTube. If you are interested in British history, BBC documentaries could be a perfect source. Check out the button that link to BBC documentaries Channel right below!